Shiatsu Massage


Shiatsu Massage

Oriental medicine views the mind-body-spirit complex as a whole.

Shiatsu is deep relaxation for the body.

Working towards rebalancing, the energy (Qi) in your body will be strengthened to create the most enliven your entire system.

Shiatsu is best received on a regular basis, allowing your body to remember and sustain an inherent template of health.

The meridians of the body store the mental, emotional and spiritual patterns of the lives we are living. As a deep listener with intuitive capacity, I will tune into these patterns. Opportunities to shift, change and grow can then occur. Sometimes this happens wordlessly. Or, I may be given some insight or perception to support your opening more deeply into who you really are.

I work with people who are active in seeking their direction, truth, meaning and place in life.

I support them to move forward with ease.

Shiatsu massage can be beneficial for chronic illness, old and new injuries, back and neck problems, acute illness, and general tiredness and exhaustion. Shiatsu massage can alleviate symptoms of menopause and provide support for healthy pregnancy and birth. Shiatsu massage can enhance health and wellness for all ages.

Shiatsu Testimonials


“Louise is professional, responsive and intuitive in her Shiatsu practice. She works on a deep level and has been a great help to me for over two years now. I feel blessed to have her as a practitioner and recommend her without reservation.

- Carmela L

“Louise is a natural and gifted healer. Her technique is deep, mysterious, grounded and soul-full. She has a beautiful way of transcending boundaries as she flows from talking to touching, seamlessly throughout the session. I always feel profoundly good after seeing her and would highly recommend her to anyone who needs attention.

- Nicola L

“I have only had 3 shiatsu treatments in my life, but since the first session, my whole body has been sitting in a more relaxed and settled way and my body remembers this and is going back to that state much easier. My torso in particular, and all of my organs seem to have the relaxed and settled into their place.  I feel unblocked. ”

Louise T